Thursday, August 18, 2011

School or Fustrations and Whatnot

In quick succession, bruised fists bash another child's face, neck and chest. Two different teachers watch passively, observantly. The lesson in dominance continues for five more minutes. Once the beaten child gives up resisting the blows the teachers do not notice, having had returned to their respective arbitrary tasks four minutes ago. Upon his release the subuded child stands, tears painting his face with the hopelessness and constriction of not being able to secure his physical and mental safely.

Throughout hallways and classrooms short bamboo sticks make thick thuds as they collide with rebellious, anxious or bored children. In one classroom it takes a teacher one hours to approach a student and confiscate his plastic airsoft handgun, despite him taking aim at his teachers. Children with learning disabilities are herded into one classroom, undianogsised and given the "privileged" to spend half the day outside running around.


  1. Sounds like someone needs a coffee date! What is your address by the way?

  2. No doubts, I myself could begin any days like that in my past schooling...Shouldn't learning be more exciting and not just copying other's textbooks. Can I learn some new things today, teacher?
